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Job vacancy at Stanbic Bank, Company Secretarial Assistant


Job Details
To ensure sound corporate governance within Stanbic Bank and to provide the Board with guidance and advice on governance matters and on relevant laws and regulations.

Job Purpose

The purpose of the role is to provide company secretarial assistance to the Company Secretary and assist with all company secretarial and governance functions.

Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities

Keeping the Company records and database (e.g. Blueprint Oneworld) up to
date (including maintenance of the filing system and general archiving)
Assist with drafting the board and committee agendas
Assist with drafting the yearly work plans for the board and committees
Assist with the compilation and timely circulation of board and committee papers on boardbooks
Ensure that the proceedings of committee meetings are properly recorded (as well as producing an action list) and that minutes of meetings are circulated to the members in a timely manner
Assist with providing guidance to the board on their responsibilities and duties and also on matters of good governance and of changes in legislation
Assist with the annual review of the board and board committees mandates and terms of reference (for effectiveness and in line with best practice)
Ensuring conflicts of interest are reported by directors and recorded
Assist the board with yearly evaluation of the board, its individual directors and senior management (including the on-line system)
Assist with the co-ordinating of the AGM and preparation of the AGM documentation.
Carry out technical assignments including reviewing governance policies and procedures and research on relevant corporate governance trends and requirements

Preferred Qualification and Experience

Law or Business related Degree

Minimum three (3) years working experience in a related capacity

Knowledge/Technical Skills/Expertise

Knowledge of the Tanzania Companies Act, Relevant procedures, Code of Banking Practice, products/services, local target market.


Online Application, Click HERE to Apply

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