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4 Jobs Opportunities at PSI Tanzania, Innovation Coordinators

JOB TITLE: Innovation Coordinators (4 Positions) based in Dar es Salaam
RESPONSIBLE TO: Innovation Manager

Job Purpose:
PSI is seeking innovative, self-motivated and dynamic person to coordinate implementation of innovation related activities and designed prototypes in the field. This employee will work with the Innovation Technical Advisor and Innovation Manager to implement designed prototypes, provide real time feedback during testing and provide proved recommendations for improvement of the tested innovations.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Inform the innovation development/prototype design phase to increase field practicability
 Participate in design research preparation and implementation, including insight synthesis
 Participate in innovation sessions and prototype design sessions
 Review and recommend field implementation strategy for innovation/prototypes to reflect
experienced realities in the field

2. Coordinate field testing of developed innovation/designed prototypes
 Manage introduction of the innovations/prototypes to the local government and other key
 Manage introduction of the test to relevant PSI field teams for their buy in and support
 Consolidate a pool of field resources that will be readily available when needed for testing
innovations and prototypes

 Coordinate actual implementation of various tests conducted under the innovations team

3. Coordinate field implementation of immersion sessions
 Take part in the design of immersion sessions as required
 Manage field level arrangements required for successful implementation of the immersion
 Document all learnings from the implementation to inform future immersion designs

4. Assist in linking tested innovations and prototypes to the PSI field systems
 Make proper introduction of all tests to relevant PSI field staff prior their implementation
 Regularly update relevant field staff of the progress made during the testing period
 Share feedback to relevant field staff upon completion of the tests

5. Assist in process documentation for all innovations/prototypes conducted
 Conduct a step by step documentation of each assigned innovation/prototype
 Maintain a database detailing all tested innovations/prototypes conducted under your coordination
 Prepare and maintain records of final reports at the closure point of each tested innovation/prototype.

Key Performance Indicators
 Number of prototypes successfully conducted and documented
 Number of prototypes successfully qualified for scale-up
 Demonstrated health impact potential of prototype ideas
 Successful implementation of immersion/innovation event responsibilities

Academic & Professional Qualification
BA in Social Sciences or related field

Relevant working experience:
 Experience in human-centered design
 Experience in design research
 Experience in rapid testing of prototypes
 Ability to work under minimal supervision and produce results
 Experience in working with the local government at the ward/village/street level
 Experience in data collection, analysis and results/findings presentation
 Strong written and verbal communication skills with the ability to present complex information in a clear and concise manner
 Familiarity with PSI/Tanzania systems and programs preferred

How to apply:

To apply for this position, please submit your updated CV with three contactable professional references and cover letter ONLY explaining your interest/motivation to work with PSI to recruitment@psi.or.tz, in MS Word or PDF file. Indicate the name of position on the subject line of your email.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications should reach the addressee before Thursday 3rd November, 2016.

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