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Senior Accountant

Senior Accountant

Accounting & Bookkeeping, Banking & Finance

Employer Name: Power Providers
Organization Type: Private Sector
Role: Management

Position Type: Full Time
Location: Arusha
                    Arusha Mjini
Application Deadline: 20-02-2017
Listed on: 15-02-2017
Power Providers is currently looking for a Senior Accountant to lead our financial team.

About Power Providers

Power Providers is one of the leading renewable energy providers in Tanzania. Power Providers was established in 2007 in order to develop an energy specific market niche. With over nine years of experience, a range of internationally recognised best-brand products and a well-established support structure, we are well positioned to offer flexible, reliable energy solutions that are uniquely tailored to the requirements of customers across Tanzania and Eastern Africa.

Power Providers employs skilled professionals who are trained to understand the unique energy needs of each customer we work with, and who specialize in designing and installing specific solutions for each of our clients. In addition, Power Providers employs highly motivated support staff in order to run a smooth operation. All employees at Power Providers strive to create a fun, hard-working, and results-oriented environment. Power Providers aims to be an equal opportunity employer that promotes an inclusive workplace.

The position

The Senior Accountant is heading the financial department at Power Providers and reports to the Managing Director. Aside from the Senior Accountant the financial department at Power Providers consists of one Accounts Assistant.

The Senior Accountant provides control over and an keeps an overview of Power Providers Co. Ltd. financial status. The senior accountant is expected to be proactive in developing the correct procedural approaches for financial record keeping both from his own experience and by consulting with the managing director and other experienced financial practitioners. There is also the expectation that the senior accountant will be self motivated to develop analytical tools that allow the tracking of critical company performance indicators as well as providing advice to the management. As such, an example of the task list includes:

- Ensure that the Power Providers accounting mechanisms, records and files, using the Quick Books accounting package as a central accounting tool, are appropriately and accurately performed in a timely manner so as to enable appropriate accounting of both income and expense finances. Backup of the main programme data files is also required at proscribed regular intervals (daily and monthly) to a separate data storage source.
- Manage accounting support personnel and ensure that accounting tasks are designated, assigned and completed according to an appropriate schedule. To hold the accounting personnel accountable for their work.
- Maintain transaction records for and reconcile all bank accounts, providing a reconciliation report on a monthly basis in the first week of the following month
- Establish and implement monthly accounts reporting system which clearly outline:
--Income and sources of income
--Expenditures by category
--Cash Flow
--Accounts receivable
--Accounts Outstanding
--Banking activity
--Petty cash activity
--Stock financial status
--Tax liabilities
- Maintain a petty cash account with appropriate records, checks and balances
- Derive monthly payroll and casual staff payments together with associated tax and other deductibles (NSSF etc.)
- Collate and present monthly VAT Returns in a timely fashion using an apportionment formula appropriate to mixed VAT and VAT exempt trading
- Establish and maintain accounts receivable and accounts outstanding files providing a hard copy backup to the Quickbooks records.
- Perform banking and cash transactions on behalf of the company at their registered bank(s)
- Develop annual budgets reflecting recurrent monthly outgoings and embed into Quick Books
- Develop a financial manual that describes and proscribes the financial activities at Power Providers Company limited and acts as a reference point for all financial dealings
- Develop analytical tools that provide easy to understand reports giving a window on, for example:
-- Company profitability at different levels from client/job level upward
-- Overhead as a factor of turnover together with recommendations where saving should be made or prices increased
-- Opportunities to reduce tax exposure
- Identify and monitor appropriate performance of company auditors. Prepare and submit the company accounts to the company auditors for audit. Ensure all aspects of the audit process are performed in a timely manner, eg. Stock and work in progress evaluation and do not delay the final submission of accounts.
- To liaise with the Tanzania Revenue Authority and other entities to ensure that the company is compliant with all tax legislation both existing and that which is brought into law
- To be proactive in developing and presenting financial management strategies and methodologies that further the profitability and financial stability of the company.


Power Providers is looking for a Senor Accountant with at least the following qualifications:

- University degree in Accounting or other relevant Business Degree and CPA qualifications;
- 8-10 years’ experience in an accounting function;
- 3-5 years’ experience in a senior accounting role;
- 3+ years of experience with the Quickbooks Accounting Package
- Experience managing staff;
- Knowledge of local labor and tax laws and reporting procedures;
- Advanced written and verbal communication skills in English;
- Advanced knowledge of computers and MS Excel;
- Detail oriented, proactive and flexible; and
- Honest, hard-working team-player capable of working with minimal supervision and able to meet deadlines.


The package which Power Providers offers includes:
- an attractive salary in line with your qualifications and experience
- working in a enthusiastic, driven and inspiring work environment
- lunch and limited medical cover
Application Instructions Applicants are invited to submit their application by completing the following two steps: 1) Fill out the application form which is accessible by clicking on the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/9H6s89TIp42EZJSu2 2) Send an email via APPLY buttonbelow  with subject “Application for Senior Accountant”. In your email please attach: - Curriculum Vitae - Cover Letter - Professional certificates - Certificates of service - Contact details (including email and phone number) of at least three professional references Please note that: - All candidates who fill out the application form will receive a response - Applications which are sent by regular mail (post) will not be considered - Applicants who only sent an e-mail (and did not fill out the application form) will not be considered The deadline for submission is Monday February 20th 2017 at 09:00. Interviews will be scheduled for Thursday February 23rd and Friday February 24th

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