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Expert Volunteer Organizational Development/Capacity Building Specialists (4)

Expert Volunteer Organizational Development/Capacity Building Specialists (4)
Washington, DC 

Posted 6 days ago
Job Description

The Tanzania Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise Program (ENGINE) is a four-year USAID-funded Feed the Future Tanzania activity awarded through the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) contractual mechanism that aims to streamline and enhance many of the regulatory, informational and financial channels that encourage domestic and foreign investment in the southern mainland agricultural regions of Mbeya, Morogoro, and Iringa, and in Zanzibar.

ENGINE works at the district Local Government Authority (LGA) level, using a broad-based approach to engage with district councils, private sector associations, business development service providers, financial institutions and small and medium enterprises. The program’s activities are divided into three main components:


  1. Implement policies for growth. Build the capacity of the private sector to effectively dialogue with the government to set the policy agenda and improve the capacity of the public sector to implement policies.
  2. Equip businesses for growth. Strengthen SME capacity and foster the growth and capacity of a sustainable market for business development services (BDS) in Tanzania.
  3. Access to finance for growth. Broaden access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in all sectors, especially women and youth entrepreneurs and those working within agricultural value chains (excluding primary producers), to facilitate increased business viability, growth and investment.

This project is seeking to hire Four Expert Volunteer Organizational Development/Capacity Building Specialists for Zanzibar President’s Office for Regional Administration. One of the volunteer's will work in Local Government and Special Departments. The other volunteers will be assigned to one of the three Municipal Councils in the Urban/West Region of Zanzibar (1 Expert Volunteer in each Municipality = 3 in total)

Objective of the Assignment:

The objective of these Expert Volunteer assignments is to identify the needs for strengthening the organizational development and staff capacity of the Zanzibar President’s Office for Regional Administration, Local Government and Special Departments (PO- RALGSD) and LGAs (the 3 Municipal Councils comprising the Urban/West Region of Zanzibar).  PO-RALGSD is the ENGINE Program partner institution in Zanzibar for which the successful Expert Volunteer will provide capacity building support in business matters related to Decentralization by Devolution (decentralization of the National Government to Local Government Authorities by devolving responsibility for the local business enabling environment and the alignment with and interpretation of national-level business policies).  This assignment is focused on identifying the organizational development and staff capacity needs of technical staff who develop, implement and reform business policies (Planners, Policy Managers, Economic Development Managers, etc.) at PO-RALGSD and LGAs (the 3 Municipal Councils comprising the Urban/West Region of Zanzibar) and developing work plans to address them in order to strengthen the business enabling environment at the Local Government Authority level (the 3 Municipal Councils comprising the Urban/West Region of Zanzibar).



To guide the implementation of Vision 2020 in the medium-term, Zanzibar has implemented two successive initiatives: the Zanzibar Poverty Reduction Plan (ZPRP), launched in 2002, and the Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (ZSGRP), popularly known as MKUZA (the Kiswahili acronym), which has been implemented since 2007.  MKUZA has undergone 2 phases, and is currently being administered through a 3rd phase, called the Zanzibar Strategy for Economic and Social Transformation (ZSEST).

MKUZA states that development invokes people participation, but, more importantly, it emphasizes that decentralization by devolution (D by D) means participation and inclusiveness.

D by D is a key national Government development initiative, and acknowledges that well-functioning Local Government Authorities, with a clear mandate to facilitate broad-based growth and to improve service delivery to all communities, must be created.


Problem Statement

Capacity needs to be enhanced to effect Decentralization by Devolution and to provide guidance to LGAs (Municipal Councils) on how to create a strengthened business enabling environment.

LGAs (Municipal Councils) need to improve their ability to align with and translate national-level business policies into sub-national level business by-laws, rules, regulations, and administrative and management practices, etc.


Objectives of the Assignment

  1. PO-RALGSD’s capacity is built to implement Decentralization by Devolution in order to improve LGAs’ (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils’) ability to align with national-level business policies to strengthen their local business enabling environments.
  2.  Organizational development and staff capacity are built at the Local Government Authority (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) level to effectively implement devolved authority, align with national level business policies and to improve their management/administrative procedures, systems and processes that lead to a strengthened local business enabling environment and enhanced business viability, growth, and investment.


Assignment Tasks

The Expert Volunteers will complete the following tasks:

  1. Attend an orientation meeting with ENGINE Program staff;
  2. Accompanied by relevant ENGINE staff, attend an introductory meeting with PO-RALGSD or LGA (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) leadership to discuss the expert volunteer assignment and to review its objectives;
  3. Design, conduct and analyze the results of rapid needs assessments to identify PO-RALGSD and LGA (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) organizational development and staff capacity challenges that need to be addressed to strengthen their business policies, and management/administrative systems, procedures and processes to support and implement them.
  4. Develop Work Plans that address the organizational development and staff capacity gaps identified in the PO-RALGSD and three LGA (Municipal Councils) rapid needs assessments.
  5. Undertake facilitation and consultation with PO-RALGSD and the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils to promote their collaboration and integration through this needs assessment and work plan design assignment to create a strengthened business enabling environment in Zanzibar.
  6. Write a Final Report summarizing findings, conclusions and recommendations related to the assignment, as well as a discussion of PO-RALGSD’s and LGAs’ (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils’) integration challenges under D by D, and the expert volunteer’s proposed solutions to them;
  7. Provide exit debriefings to PO-RALGSD and LGA (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) leadership, ENGINE, USAID and relevant anchor institutions/key stakeholders (e.g. ZPC) that provide an overview of the assignment and discuss PO-RALGSD and LGA (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) organizational development and staff capacity challenges and the expert volunteers’ proposed solutions to them.

The Final Trip Reports to the ENGINE Program must include the following sections:
A.       Introduction;
B.       Methodology;
C.       Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations related to PO-RALGSD’s and LGAs’ (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils’) capacity development challenges and the expert volunteers’ proposed solutions to them;
D.       Discussion of assignment objectives and how they were met or why they were not met.

Additionally, the Expert Volunteers will provide exit debriefings (as described above under Assignment Tasks).



1. Needs assessment reports that identify PO-RALGSD and LGA (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) organizational development and staff capacity needs and gaps.
2. PO-RALGSD and LGA (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils) Work Plans to address their organizational development and staff capacity needs and gaps.

  3. The Expert Volunteers will submit Final Trip Reports to the ENGINE Program that include the following sections:

  • Introduction;
  • Needs assessment methodology;
  • Findings, conclusions, and recommendations related to the needs assessments and development of the work plan to address the challenges identified in the needs assessment;
  • Next steps for PO-RALGSD and the LGAs (the 3 Zanzibar Municipal Councils);
  • Assignment objectives and how they were met or why they were not met.

Additionally, the Expert Volunteers will provide an exit debriefing.


Expert Volunteer Qualifications

The ideal Expert Volunteers will have the following skills and qualifications:

  • 5+years of experience working in Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in the areas of policy/regulatory reform and planning.
  • Experience in government stakeholder engagement, consultation and facilitation.
  • Organizational development expertise:  structure, communication, strategy.
  • Writing Skills: Reporting requires good computer skills, including writing reports with MS Word. Experience with graphic design and creating PowerPoint presentations is desirable.
  • Educational Background: University degree in public administration, public policy, or other relevant field;
  • Experience working within a Local Government Authority in a policy or planning role (and, preferably in the annual planning and budgeting process);
  • Training skills, including participatory training in group settings. Training and consultation experience utilizing a translator or interpreter is an added plus.
  • Self-motivated, proactive, detail-oriented, mature, professional team players, who are  strong people persons and communicators, with good inter-personal skills.
  • Ability to address issues, questions, concerns, and problems in a professional, accurate, and timely manner.
  • Works well in a multi-cultural setting.



Illustrative Assignment Schedule for 6 Weeks

Note: This assignment schedule is illustrative of a six-week field assignment with ENGINE to undertake this assignment.  The timeline will be adjusted to reflect the Expert Volunteer’s availability, specific project and agency timing, and overall project needs

Date Activity
Arrive Tanzania
Orientation meeting with ENGINE staff for an overview and discussion of the assignment objectives and process.
Fly to Zanzibar and meet with Zanzibar-based ENGINE staff
Meet the PO-RALGSD leadership to discuss and agree on the schedule of the assignment

25/05/2017 –
Meet with leadership of the 3 Municipal Councils in the Urban/West Region to plan and agree on the process to accomplish these Expert Volunteer assignments
Facilitation workshops in Zanzibar (attended by PO-RALGSD and the 3 Municipal Councils) to discuss the assignments
Document the results of the consultation workshop(s)
Discussion of draft needs assessment and work plan documents with PO-RALGSD and the 3 Municipal Councils, and develop consensus on next steps with them and ENGINE.
Update draft needs assessment(s) and work plan(s)
23/06/2017 Submit final needs assessments and work plans, incorporating feedback from PO-RALGSD’s and the 3 Municipal Councils.
27/06/2017 – 28/06/2017 Write Final Trip Report and provide exit debriefings to PO-RALGSD and three Municipal Councils
29/06/2017 – 30/06/2017 Travel to Dar Es Salaam and provide exit debriefings to ENGINE/USAID
01/07/2017 Depart Tanzania

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