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Job Oppoertunities at World Vision Tanzania

Job Opportunities at World Vision


Job Description
Purpose of the position:
To provide overall strategic leadership and coordination in the development and implementation of Christian Commitments strategies that promote WV’s Christ centered, Child-focused and community identity to both staff and partners.
To work with the Senior Management of WVT in the development and implementation of policies and programmes that result in effective Christian Commitments in all WVT programme.
Observe mission and core values of World Vision and demonstrate a quality of spiritual life that is an example to others.
To ensure EWV for mindset transformation embedded in all WVT TAs and TPs.

Major Responsibilities:
Strategic Engagement
Work with other stakeholders to develop appropriate and contextualized Faith and Development strategy and ensure its integration and implementation at all level
Contribute to the development of NO strategy (and others) to ensure effective integration of Faith and Development into NO strategy.
Collaborate with P&C and senior management in establishing staff recruitment standards to ensure the spiritual commitment of prospective staff; assist in their orientation; and support the incorporation of CC engagement in annual performance appraisals.
Develop concept papers and proposals for Christian Commitments funding.
Work with senior leadership to develop and/or review CC related policies to ensure adherence to those policies.
Networking and Partnerships
Represent WVT in high level and strategic religious meetings and forums both at national and international levels.
Develop and implement strategic partnerships with other Christian organizations aiming at empowering ADP churches and staff to actively engage in holistic mission that promote social and spiritual
Promote Church unity at both national and grassroots levels through conferences and capacity building workshops (using a variety of CC related models – such as Channels of Hope, Celebrating Families, Biblical Worldview, Father heart, Village Fellowship) that create conducive and peaceful environment for children to experience life in all its fullness.
Staff Spiritual Nurture and Christian Formation
Develop and implement programs/initiatives that enhance staff spiritual nurture and Christian formation and build their capacity to integrate their faith in their work.
Contribute to an ethos and culture in WVT that is consistent with WV Vision and Mission Statements, Core Values, Covenant of Partnership, Guiding Beliefs, and Policies.
Integration of Christian Witness in Programs

Provide technical support in the review of program/projects documents (PDDs/DIPs/AOPs/TORs) for the quality integration of Christian Witness in programing
Ensure the integration and implementation of spiritual nurture of children, prayer ministry and interfaith relations in ADPs.
Provide technical support to relief staff in developing strategic partnerships with FBOs in assessing and intervening in case of emergency food shortages.
Oversee the follow up on CC related internal and Global Centre (GC) audit and evaluation/donor recommendations to ensure that they are responded to and fully implemented.
CC Learning Center
Liaise with CC Learning Center to identify, innovate and implement creative Faith and Development models as well as document, publish and share better practices with other NOs.
Monitoring and Reporting
Oversee monitoring, documentation and reporting in compliance with agreed organizational standards.
Submit quarterly and annual reports to Integrated Programs Director and Regional CC Coordinator.
General Duties
Provide technical support in preparation of divisional, annual operational plan and budget.
Facilitate pastoral functions that provide spiritual and psychosocial support to staff.
Ensure that performance management is practiced within the department to enhance performance, smooth staff relations and accountability.

Do other duties as assigned by Divisional Director to enhance WV’s Christian Commitments.

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

The following may be acquired through a combination of formal or self-education, prior experience or on-the-job training:
Minimum Qualification required: Masters in Social Sciences/Theology
Experience: 3 years.
Technical Skills & Abilities:
Computer skills.
demonstrated ability in supervision.
Working knowledge of proposal writing.
Good planning and organizational skills.
Ability to maintain effective working relationships with all levels of staff and donors.
Good understanding of and respect for diverse churches and Christian organizations.

Other Competencies/Attributes:
Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities.
Perform other duties as required.


Health and Nutrition Advisor ( Re-advertised)

Purpose of the position:
Under the supervision of the Business Development and Quality Assurance Director, the Health and Nutrition Technical Advisor will contribute towards the attainment of WVT fundraising goal and objectives through coordinating Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS grant fundraising efforts. Additionally, the Health and Nutrition Technical Advisor will coordinate engage and network with internal and external stakeholders to position WVT grant acquisition. Incumbent will consulate the Senior Grants Compliance Officer, to ensure grants under their respective portfolio are complaint to donors and the Government of Tanzania policies and requirements.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:
Grants acquisition/fundraising
Implement WVT’s GAM Fundraising Strategy.
Develop, implement and update regularly grant acquisition plan for Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Undertake regular donor scoping, landscape assessment and forecasts for Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, including RFA/tender analysis.
Ensure adherence to WVT’s GAM and Partnership’s practices and policies in pursuing grants.
Liaise with WVT’s departments, WV (EARO/SOs/GC) and potential partners (prime/subs) in the preparation of Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS bids.
Coordinate development of concept notes/proposals for identified funding
opportunities (solicited and unsolicited) for Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Provide Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS technical advice on key bid elements including proposal design, potential partnerships etc.
Stakeholder engagement - focused and intentional/donors/GoT preferred partner
Implement WVT’s GAM Engagement Strategy.
Develop key engagement material (e.g. sector capacity statements, meeting talking points, stakeholder strategy analysis etc.) for Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Liaise regularly and build relationships with key internal Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS (EARO, Global Centre and Support Offices) and external Health and HIV/AIDS (bi-, multi-lateral donors and government entities) stakeholders.
Update and maintain a database/register of key stakeholders and their representatives, and key documents (strategies, policies, reports etc.) for Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Gather intelligence and influence stakeholders approaches to inform WVT’s fundraising strategy on Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Coordinate engagement efforts with key WVT departments such as Communications, Advocacy and ISP and IPD.
Organize institutional arrangements with Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS key stakeholders (e.g. pre/teaming agreements, MoUs and support letters etc) to support WVT’s fundraising efforts.

Networking - involves informal/formal and less focused. More profiling/awareness raising/marketing/brand presence/understanding the terrain and explore possible partnerships/preferred partner
Identify Health and HIV/AIDS key stakeholders and draw a networking plan with clear outcomes.
Actively gather intelligence of Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS key stakeholders i.e. location, interventions, portfolio, strategies etc.
Build relationships with Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS key stakeholders (e.g. INGOs, LNGOs, civil society, government ministries and national bodies/platforms).

Attend/Organize/Represent WVT at key national and strategic events to profile/market the organization’s Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS approaches and achievements.

Donor compliance (10%)
Ensure all grant-making processes are completed upon awarding of Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS grants.
Coordinate grant start-up workshop and process for new Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS projects/programs with relevant stakeholders.
Together with the Senior Grant Compliance Officer and SO representative advice the CoP/Project manager on key donor compliance standards/measures, including reporting, programmatic standards and M&E tools.

Oversee grant close-out for Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS projects/programs.
Capacity development (10%)
Develop and execute WVT’s capacity building plan for non-PDD staff on fundraising around Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS.
Articulate WVT’s and the Partnerships’ Health and HIV/AIDS strategy to non-PDD staff.
Internal WV processes (5%)- for performance management
Ensure compliance to Partnership and WVT standard’s (LDRs, Performance Agreements, Performance Reviews, Online Security Training, OurVoice Survey etc)

Complete grant associated training such as ProposalPro and Gateway-to-Grants (G2G).

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience

The following may be acquired through a combination of formal or self-education, prior experience or on-the-job training:
Minimum Qualification required:
Master’s Degree in Medicine or other Health Sciences with 10 years practical experience in Public health including Nutrition and HIV/AIDS with a reputable organization

Experience:At least 5 years’ experience in program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Health, Nutrition and HIV&AIDS programs


Other technical skills and abilities:
Training, facilitation and coordination skills.
Proposal/concept papers development for fund raising .
Research, monitoring and evaluation skills.
Needs assessment and report writing skills.
Experience in developing successful, community-based Health, Nutrition and HIV&AIDS programs.
Ability to build partnerships/networks with other stake holders
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
A strong aptitude for organizational change, participatory and servant leadership, innovation, learning, team building.
Keen sense of justice and gender equity
Working knowledge of child sponsorship as a programming and support mechanism.
Full ability to communicate cross-culturally and be cross-culturally sensitive.

Other Competencies/Attributes:
Must be a committed Christian, able to stand above denominational diversities.
Perform other duties as required.


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