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Request for Proposals Meeting the following Terms of Reference (ToR) for BMU networking at Herembe and Igalula wards and CFMAs capacity buildin

Request for Proposals Meeting the following Terms of Reference (ToR) for BMU networking at Herembe and Igalula wards and CFMAs capacity building

by Sandra

Application deadline 9. Jun
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Posted at
Yesterday, 14:30
Member Since
14. Oct '12, 05:59
Application deadline
Business / Employer name
The Nature Conservancy
Job categories
  • Research, Monitoring & Evaluation
Job Role
Position Type
Organization Type
Kigoma Ujiji Kigoma
Request for Proposals
Meeting the following Terms of Reference (ToR)
BMU networking at Herembe and Igalula wards and CFMAs capacity building
1.0 Introduction
The Fisheries Regulations (2009) establishes legal provision for aggregations of Beach Management Units (BMUs) or Collaborative Fisheries Management Institutions (CFMIs) to create larger spatial management areas, whereby one BMU may associate with other BMU and harmonize co-management structures to form higher level BMU/CFMI network for the purposes of fisheries joint planning, management and development strategies.
A CFMI/BMU network is defined as an association of more than one CFMI/BMU within a geographical area in Tanzania. The association may be at ward, district, regional, national and Lake Tanganyika Authority (LTA) level whose main functions are to coordinate BMU activities on sustainable management, conservation and protection of
fisheries and related resources in their locality in collaboration with government for the benefit of present and future generations.
1.1 Background
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Pathfinder International in Tanzania are jointly implementing an integrated project known as TUUNGANE that addresses collaborative fisheries management as part of Population, Health and Environment (PHE) issues for communities living in 19 coastal villages along Lake Tanganyika in Uvinza - Kigoma and Tanganyika - Rukwa Regions. One of the project goals is to achieve sustainable fisheries through, among other things, formation and capacity building of Beach Management Units (BMUs) as provided by Tanzania Fisheries Policy (2003) and regulations (2009).
TNC through its Tuungane project, is working closely with the Fisheries Development Division in Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries to establish and build capacity of the BMUs/CFMIs of which the Ministry previously
supported their establishment in 2013 and later their registration in 2014 and 2016. A key outcome desired from the BMU capacity-building initiative is the ability of BMU members to sustainably conduct patrols and surveillance, collect reliable Catch Assessment Survey (CAS) data, and implement alternative livelihoods activities to improve community lives.
1.2 Problem statement and need for consultancy
TNC through its Tuungane project has facilitated establishment of fifteen (15) BMUs/CFMIs in Uvinza District – Kigoma (table 1) which are actively participating in fisheries co-management. These CFMIs operate under technical guidance and support from Uvinza District authority in collaboration with the Tuungane Project. Currently, there are two BMU
networks namely Kalya BMU network (in southern villages) and Buhingu BMU network (in northern villages) which were established by the help of Ministry officials in December 2015. The Kalya BMU network is made of five (5) village BMUs whereas Buhingu BMU network is composed of three (3) village BMUs as seen in table 1 below.
Other village BMUs in two wards (Herembe wards with two villages and Igalula ward with 5 villages) in north of Mahale National park still operate in isolation (at BMU level) which make them too weak to enforce village bylaws against illegal fishing often coming from in neighbouring villages without BMUs.
Table 1. List of BMUs in village and BMU networks in Tuungane project area, Uvinza District
No. BMU-village Wards Location Remarks on BMU network CFMA name
  1. Herembe
Northern villages

No BMU Network
No CFMA joint name
2. Kapalamsenga
3. Mgambazi
4. Rukoma
5. Lagosa
6. Ndele
7. Igalula
8. Mgambo
BMU Network present
9. Buhingu
10. Katumbi
11. Sibwesa
Southern villages
BMU Network present
No CFMA joint name
12. Kalya
13. Tambusha
14. Kashagulu
15. Lufubu
Many studies on Lake Tanganyika report fast decline in fish catches and productivity in the lake due to high fishing pressure, and the 2011 fisheries Frame survey reported presence of 483 illegal lift nets, 8,487 undersized gill nets, 30 illegal ring nets and 66 beach seine nets in Kigoma region suggesting a need for a reliable community-based regulatory mechanism.
Tuungane has been facilitating BMUs to conduct patrols and protect nearshore fisheries (at fish breeding sites) since 2013. Progress reports show positive achievement towards enforcement of fisheries policies and regulations. More than 30 beach seine nets have been seized by BMUs in Uvinza District from 2013 – 2017 with strict restriction on undersized gillnets and lift nets. However, illegal fishing is still high in the area suggesting the need for a more community-based enforcement strategy. This calls for a competent consultant to build strong and skilled BMU leadership and BMU-linked CFMAs. While working to improve the situation in Tuungane project area, below are some key problems that hinder BMU success and justification for this assignment:
i. Inadequate capacity in BMU networks in terms of enforcement strategies, supervisory skills and mandates to supervise individual BMUs within its jurisdiction area;
ii. Lack of harmonized CFMA names, bylaws, management plans, and patrol plans;
iii. Dependency on TUUNGANE in financing mechanism particularly on fueling of BMU patrol boats;
iv. Villages that do not have BMUs become hiding places for fishers using illegal gear during BMU patrols
v. Northern villages without a BMU network operate isolated as a BMU unit and fail to enforce against illegal fishing activities in the neighbouring villages without BMUs;
vi. Inadequate BMU monitoring, mentoring or supervision from the District authority;
2.0 Objectives
This consultancy aims to establish BMU Networks for Collaborative Fisheries Management Areas (CFMAs) to build their capacity to
sustainably protect fisheries resources at minimal costs.
Specifically, this assignment targets to achieve the followings:
i. Raise awareness in 7 villages towards formation of BMU Networks.
ii. Elections for the 2 new BMU networks (CFMAs) successfully completed for respective Office Bearers.
iii. 2 newly formed BMU network (CFMAs) office bearers in Herembe and Igalula wards well trained on their roles and responsibilities, team building and principles of Fisheries Management.
iv. The 2 former BMU networks (Kalya and Buhingu wards) offered refresher training on their roles and responsibilities, team building and principles of Fisheries Management and Setting operationalization terms.
v. Trained CFMAs leaders on strategies to generate independent income for sustainable management to fisheries resources within their geographical boundaries.
3.0 scope of work
Throughout this contract, the consultant will work under the supervision and guidance of Tuungane project to accomplish the following:
i. prepare and submit to Tuungane a proposal with full details of the work assigned including workplan.
ii. prepare and submit to Tuungane the training materials in advance for comments
iii. Collaborate and plan with Uvinza District and Ministry fisheries officers on key steps and schedule towards establishment of BMU Network, CFMAs and capacity building.
iv. Conduct village meetings in 7 villages to raise awareness towards formation of BMU Networks
v. Supervise and guide BMU network (CFMAs) elections for the respective Office Bearers.
vi. Conduct training to all 2 newly formed BMU network (CFMAs) office bearers in Herembe and Igalula wards on their roles and responsibilities, team building and principles of Fisheries Management.
vii. Conduct refresher training and capacity building to the 2 former BMU networks (Kalya and Buhingu wards) on their roles and responsibilities, team building and principles of Fisheries Management and Setting operationalization terms.
viii. To train all CFMAs leaders on strategies to generate independent income for sustainable management to fisheries resources within their geographical boundaries.
4.0 Methodology
The consultant is supposed to submit a comprehensive step-by-step procedure for this assignment highlighting key participants per
District, village or BMU; details of deliverables with
specific timeline (schedule of work), budgeting including one Ministry official (return flights to Kigoma and DSAs) and one District Fisheries officer (DSA in the field).
4.1 Timeframe
The desired completion date for the assignment is the end of June 2017. The consultant should submit an anticipated time line for the accomplishment of the assignment. Anticipated time lines that extend beyond June 2017 will be reviewed, but not preferred.
4.2 Supervision Responsibility
The consultant will work with two fisheries officers (one from the Ministry and one from Uvinza District) under supervision of Tuungane Project
5.0 Expected Output
It is expected that at the end of this consultancy, the following will be achieved:
i. Two new BMU networks (CFMAs) established and locally named.
ii. CFMAs leaders (office bearers) from new BMU networks successfully elected to lead the ward BMU network
iii. CFMA Office bearers from new BMU networks successfully trained for immediate take off in supervising BMU works in the wards
iv. Harmonized CFMA bylaws from individual BMU bylaws at the ward
v. Harmonized CFMAs management plans
vi. Local CFMAs names for the 2 existing BMU network in Kalya and Buhingu wards
vii. Leaders from two existing BMU networks (CFMAs) successfully trained on roles and responsibilities (refresher training)
6.0 Payment
Payment schedule will most likely be structured as the following:
20% of consultancy fee and 100% of DSAs and community/meetings and training costs upon signing the contract, and 80% upon completion and submission of the assignment.
7.0 Skills and Qualifications
A potential consultant should have demonstrated knowledge and experience in the following areas:
i. At least 5 years of professional experience in fisheries co-management with extensive knowledge in relation to BMU/CFMI leadership, operations and networking; Experience with specific existing BMU network or CFMAs in the country is an advantage.
Demonstrated experience illustrating a practical step-by-step procedure towards BMU networking and CFMAs establishment with key participants and schedules.
iii. Experience in developing fisheries management plans. Experience is participating in harmonizing BMU network management plans is highly advantageous;
iv. Experience in working with fisheries government institutions from the Ministry, Districts to villages.

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