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Pact Tanzania Project & Product Management

Pact Tanzania

Cluster Technical Manager


Job Summary

CTM ensuring quality and coordinated program delivery, to coordinate training activities, and to provide technical support to Pact’s technical staff
  • Minimum Qualification: Masters
  • Experience Level: Management level
  • Experience Length: 5 years

Job Description

Job Title:            Cluster Technical Manager
Location:             Mbeya
Reporting To:     Technical Integration Cluster Manager

Job Objective:           
The overall purpose of Cluster Technical Manager is to ensure quality and  coordinated program delivery, to coordinate training activities, and to provide technical support  to Pact’s technical staff (Technical Service Coordinators) and implementing partners (CSOs and consortium partners); to complete timely deliverables in the core project technical areas (i.e., economic strengthening, case management, health and HIV (including community-clinic linkages),  child Protection, parenting, education, and youth).
Pact Overview
At the heart of Pact is the promise of a better tomorrow.  The promise of a healthy life.  Of a decent livelihood. Of sustainable natural resources that benefit communities.  Now more than ever in its 42 -year history, Pact is helping millions of people who are poor and marginalized discover and build their own solutions and take ownership over their future.
Pact enables systemic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy, and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems, and transforming markets into a force for development.
 1.     Coordination and monitoring of capacity building activities:
  •  Coordinate training with cluster teams, CSOs staffs and consortium partners to ensure smooth implementation and correct sequencing of training activities.
  • Supervise training activities to ensure quality in all training programs.
  • Conduct training needs assessment for cluster staff, identify capacity gaps and develop capacity building and training approaches to address identified needs.
  • Work with CSOs staffs in his or her cluster to identify capacity gaps and training needs and work with Senior Technical Advisor and TSCs to design and implement a capacity building plan to improve project implementation.
2.     Networking and collaboration among internal and external project partners:
  •  Support Cluster Manager with regional government relationships (e.g., attending regional meetings, communicating project plans and achievements to regional government departments, organizing joint supervision visits, etc.). Represent USAID Kizazi Kipya project in relevant meetings with regional stakeholders, including partners, and government as needed.
  • Work in close collaboration with consortium partners (EGPAF, Railway Children Africa, Ifakara Health Institute, Aga Khan Foundation, and Restless Development) to ensure coordination, efficiency in delivery and implementation of Kizazi Kipya project activities.
 3.     Technical support and Supportive Supervision Monitoring:
  •  Coordinate provision of technical support to CSO/implementing partners by the TSCs and consortium partners; and ensure that quality and consistent technical support is provided on time.
  • Coordinate supportive supervision visits to implementing partners and ensure that each CSO implementing Kizazi Kipya activities in the cluster is visited at least once every quarter. Review all supportive supervision reports and ensure that CSOs implements recommendations made to improve project performance.
  • Monitor supportive supervision filling and documentation.
  • Support Kizazi Kipya CSOs to prepare for site improvement monitoring system (SIMS) assessment exercise and make close follow up to ensure that they implement SIMS standards and address all recommendations made after any SIMS exercise.
  • Facilitate and support implementing partners and cluster teams to implement planned activities using approved standard operating procedures (SOP) and ensure that they have relevant job aids for quality OVC, youth and caregivers services.
  • Technically supervise the TSCs for Case Management, Bi-directional Linkages and Referrals, Education, and Child Protection and Parenting activities, including the design, development and implementation of planned activities, and  ensure all activities are in line with state-of-the-art, globally-recognized best practices for addressing needs of OVC, young people, and their caregivers.
  • Support technical integration cluster manager to monitor the work plan implementation and ensure the cluster meets its set project target
  • Liaise with the project’s Quality Improvement Advisor to support TSCs with identifying, leading, and tracking quality improvement initiatives.
  • Undertake other quality improvement activities in their cluster as required.
4.     Human Resources Management:
  •  Line manage all Technical Service Coordinators (TSC) at cluster level including Case Management Coordinator, Bi-directional Referrals and linkages Coordinator, Child Protection and Parenting Coordinator and Education Coordinator. Review and approve their work plans, travel plans and reports.
  • Provide technical and administrative supervision to Case Management Coordinator and Bi-directional Referrals and linkages Coordinator review and approve their annual performance goals and performance appraisal.
  • Manage the cluster technical team in a manner that empowers them to take ownership of the areas they are responsible for, cultivate new ideas, analyse project critically, build on strengths and overcome weaknesses through.
  • Provide guidance, support and feedback for achieving Kizazi Kipya project objectives.
Required Qualifications, Experience and Skills:
  • Master’s Degree with 5 years’ experience or Bachelor’s Degree with 7 years of experience in field(s) relevant to fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities as described above. Degree in Social Work or Public Health preferred.
  • Experience working on multi-sectoral projects at community level, preferably with vulnerable households or child-focused programming.
  • Experience with developing and maintaining close working relationships with regional and LGA government, in particular with social welfare, community development, and medical offices.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage a complex work plan through coordination of multiple team members
  • Experience with direct staff supervision and mentorship, and creating functional work teams
  • Experience with planning and providing on-site supportive supervision to CSO partners and following up actions arising from supervision visits
  • Experience with the SIMS a plus
  • Experience with interpreting and analyzing project data and using the information to improve quality implementation and adjust project design
  • Experience with quality improvement activities, preferably at the community level
  • Experience with monitoring implementation according to set standards (such as SOPs), and providing mentorship to improve performance.
  • Demonstrated skills in strategic and program planning and proven ability in managerial, analytical, and advocacy skills;
  • Creative thinker, decision maker,
  • Ability to work in partnership with team members, partner agencies and community members of both the international and national communities;
  • Demonstrated understanding of the spectrum of OVC/MVC services and challenges faced in case management, referral and child protection service delivery;
  • Ability to rely on adult learning theory for training design and facilitation
  • Excellent written and oral communication abilities.
  • Strong computer (word processing) literacy,.
  • A commitment to children’s rights and principles of equal opportunity.
  • Fluent in both Kiswahili and English.
  Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. 
To learn more about Pact Tanzania visit: http://www.pactworld.org/country/tanzania

 Pact is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

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