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United Republic of Tanzania: Consultant for Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) Project(Tanzanian Nationals only)

Organization: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Closing date: 23 Jul 2019

Vacancy Notice No: KBO/VA/2019/013

Contract type: National Consultant, Nutritionist

Category/Level: Health/Consultancy

Project/Consultancy title: Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) Project
Contract Duration: 9 Weeks
Duty Station: FO Kasulu, Tanzania
Closing Date: 23/07/2019

Organizational context and General background of assignment:

Kigoma Region is located in the north west of the Tanzania, Kigoma region is currently the only region hosting the refugee. The region is 45,066 km² and subdivided in to eight districts and 121 wards. There are three Refugee camps allocated in the region which include Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli refugee camps. The region hosts a total of 283,168refugees as of 1st of April 2019.
The camps are located in the three districts of Kasulu (Nyarugusu), Kibondo (Nduta) and Kakonko(Mtendeli). Nyarugusu is the largest camp which is hosting mainly Congolese and Burundian with largest population of about 153,767, followed by Nduta camp which host Burundian refugee of about 92,075 and Mtendeli camp with Burundian population of about 36,808. Following a Tripartite Commission meeting in August 2017, the governments of Tanzania, Burundi, and UNHCR agreed to assist refugees who wish to voluntarily repatriate from Tanzania to Burundi. A subsequent meeting in March 2018 reaffirmed the commitment of both governments and UNHCR to uphold the principle of voluntariness, and noted that while some refugees may opt to return, others will continue to be in need of international protection. The March 2018 Tripartite meeting also produced a work plan entailing the repatriation of approximately 2,000 refugees per week from 5 April to 31 December 2018.
Health care and nutrition activities are among the activities conducted in these refugee camps. The main health and nutrition partners includes Tanzania Red Cross society, MSF-CH, world vision and IRC with support from UN agencies i.e. UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, WHO and UNFPA. Malnutrition is among the factor contribute mortality among the under five children. According to the HIS annual indicator for 2018 the total under five mortality reported were 434 cases where among these the total death occurred due to acute malnutrition were 23 cases across all the camps.
For the past 6 years, the annual SENS in Tanzania refugee camps have been instrumental not only in giving informative trends of key indicators over time but also detailed snapshot of the humanitarian situation among the refugees in terms of WASH, Health, Nutrition and Food security and has formed essential tool for M&E across sectors as well as providing key data needed for programme planning and improvement.
In collaboration with other assessments & surveys, annual SENS have more or less provided pertinent outlook about the conditions of a population, helping in objective determination of what type of assistance is needed, and whether or not previous assistance was effective. Also, collecting the data annually means we are able to monitor the health and progress of a refugee population.

Functional expertise and responsibilities:

The consultant will conduct the UNHCR SENS with minimal supervision and produce updated Anthropometry, Health, Anemia, IYCF, Food Security, WASH, and Mosquito net coverage indicators in Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli camps as per the following objectives;
Primary objectives;
1) To determine the prevalence of acute malnutrition among children aged 6-59
2) To determine the prevalence of stunting in children aged 6-59 months.
3) To determine the coverage of measles vaccination among children aged 9-59 months.
4) To determine the coverage of vitamin A supplementation received during the last 6 months among children aged 6-59 months, and de-worming among children 6-59 month.
5) To assess the two-week period prevalence of diarrhea among children aged 6- 59 months.
6) To measure the prevalence of anaemia in children aged 6-59 months and in women of reproductive age between 15-49 years (non-pregnant)
7) To investigate IYCF practices among children aged 0-23 months
8) To determine the coverage of ration cards and the duration the general food ration lasts for recipient households.
9) To determine the extent to which negative coping strategies are used by households.
10) To assess household dietary diversity.
11) To determine the population’s access to, and use of, improved water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.
12) To determine the ownership of mosquito nets (all types and LLINs) in households.
13) To determine the utilization of mosquito nets (all types and LLINs) by the total population, children 0-59 months and pregnant women
14) To establish recommendations on actions to be taken to address the situation in the refuge population in the three camps.
Secondary objectives;**
1) To determine the enrolment coverage of selective feeding programme (OTP/SC, BSFP, TSFP children 6-23 months and MNP children 24-59 months for children aged 6-59 months).
2) To determine enrolment into Antenatal Care clinic and coverage of iron-folic acid supplementation in pregnant women.
Expected deliverables:
  • A final SENS assessment report complying UNHCR standards, including recommendations on actions to address the situation is to be submitted at the end of the Consultancy. Results of standardization tests, details of data cleaning and plausibility checks should be presented in the final report. The report must conform to the CRED survey completeness checklist (http://www.cedat.be/Field%20Resources).
  • Standardized tables as presented in the UNHCR SENS Guidelines for refugee populations (version 3, 2013, www.sens.unhcr.org) and should be used for presentation of the results.
  • The findings and major recommendations are to be presented to partners at the mission level (oral presentation and PowerPoint slides).
  • The final cleaned version of the data sets used to calculate the survey results is to be sent to the UNHCR Regional Service Centre (RSC) to mohmanna@unhcr.org, HQ towilkinso@unhcr.org and to UNHCR Country Office.
The consultant will report on regular basis to the UNHCR Public health officer in Kigoma region who will have the overall responsibility of the survey.
The consultancy will last approximately 2.5 month, starting from August 15 to October 31, 2019.

Required qualifications and experience:

  • Have a Bachelor’s degree in nutrition, with a specific competency in humanitarian emergencies. Master’s Degree is an advantage.
  • Have significant experience in undertaking nutrition surveys (design and methodologies, staff recruitment and training, field supervision and data analysis/write up).
  • Be familiar with the SMART survey methodology and ENA for SMART, Epi/ENA or Epi Info software and UNHCR SENS
  • Be fluent in English with excellent writing and presentation skills, French/Swahili/Kirundi will be an added advantage
How to apply:

Candidates are invited to send a motivation letter and UNHCR Personal History Form prior to the closing date of this vacancy to the email address below. Please include the title and vacancy number in the subject line.
Senior Human Resources Officer
UNHCR Representation Office
Dar es Salaam

Email: tandava@unhcr.org **

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