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Job Opportunity at PSI-Tanzania, Logistics Manager

JOB TITLE: Logistics Manager ANC/EPI and School Net Distribution Program-VectorWorks


Job Purpose:
Lead PSI-Tanzania’s malaria prevention activities, with particular focus on maintaining Long Lasting
Insecticidal Net (LLIN) coverage through Schools (SNP), antenatal (ANC) and immunization (EPI) channels.

Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Lead PSI-Tanzania’s malaria prevention activities, with particular focus on maintaining Long Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) coverage through SNP, ANC and EPI, specifically offering relevant expertise in logistics management to ensure:

  • School Net and Health facility LLINs programs are implemented as per PSI’s SOW in respect to the associated deliverables
  • Proper storage and stock management of LLINs across VectorWorks regions
  • Effective monitoring of distribution of LLINs to schools and health facilities

2. Manage a team of Logistics experts and engage PSI’s regional support

  • Manage and supervise Assistant Logistics Manager, Assistant Program Manager and Zonal LLINs Coordinators
  • Develop and manage PSI’s M and E plan with respect to VectorWorks project
  • Engage regional support as appropriate in the implementation of VectorWorks project
  • Support Assistant Logistics Manager to Monitor and evaluate LLINs storage and distribution as per the indicators set.
  • Assess accountability of the LLINs and appropriate distribution to health facilities and schools

 3. Develop and manage VectorWorks program budget for Malaria prevention activities

  • Monitor budget and spending for the project and help program staff manage budget lines where appropriate
  • Expand, monitor, and identify opportunities for increased efficiencies and cost effectiveness and ensure best value for money
  • Ensure the effective use and coordination of donor resources and the compliance of the financial systems and controls with relevant donor standards.
4. Develop work plans and donor reports for approval by the Director of Programs

  • Develop and implement VectorWorks work plans as per project timelines
  • Lead the documentation of the program process, success stories and lessons learnt for project reporting.
  • Coordinate and/or review donor reports, including financial and other reports as required by donors and PSI
  • Contribute to the development of MIS reporting system according to donor deliverables

5. Provide assistance where necessary to the NMCP in program design, resource mobilization, planning and implementation and integrated malaria approaches

6. Proactively engage with international partners, including JHU, MSD and the Vector Control Working Group
to improve coordination at national and international levels
7. Support PSI Tanzania to position and raise funding for LLIN distribution primarily through Global Fund, PMI and other donors.
8. Compile and disseminate lessons learned from the activities of PSI-Tanzania to international partners through a range of media, including tool kits and publications, to facilitate rapid transfer of best practices.
9. Represent PSI-Tanzania at international and in country meetings in order to disseminate best practices
10. Communication, Collaboration and Coordination with various stakeholders in the course of
implementation of VectorWorks project to ensure continuous distribution of LLINs this includes:

  • Government authorities and structures at National and Zonal levels (MOHCDGEC, PORALG , MSD) management of contracts and performances of Private vendors, suppliers and distributors

Academic and Professional Qualification

  • Relevant graduate degree (MPH, MBA, etc.) or equivalent experience in related field
  • In-depth knowledge of local and global Malaria issues
  • At least five years of experience in programmatic and financial management of large donor funded programs in health or development initiatives
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Experience of managing a team
  • Experience in logistics and supply chain issues will be an added advantage.
  • In depth Knowledge of the regional and district structures of Tanzania including DHMTS and CHMTS.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Swahili
  • Ability to work efficiently and quickly in a fast paced environment

How to apply:
To apply for this position, please submit your updated CV with three contactable professional references and cover letter explaining your interest/motivation to work with PSI to recruitment@psi.or.tz, in MS Word or PDF file. Indicate the name of position on the subject line of your email.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications should reach the addressee before Thursday October 6th, 2016.

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