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Impact Ventures Associate/Manager job vacancy at One Acre Fund

    Job Description

    Job Location 
    Associate: Rural East Africa (current markets of operation include Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Malawi).

    Manager: Most managers work in our rural offices. In limited instances, certain managers will be based in capital cities with extensive travel (50%).
    Duration Minimum 2 years commitment, full-time job.
    Team and Job Description The mission of the Impact Venture team is to dream up, trial, and scale new businesses to create positive impact for rural families. We invest in “moon shots” and other ambitious ideas to rapidly create impact for tens of millions of families. Examples of new businesses include:
    • Retail Chains – we set up a chain of retail stores to sell impactful products to rural families. Retail fronts are a traditional, but effective means for marketing and selling goods to key populations of people.
    • Seed Technology – improved seed varieties provide rural households with better returns than just about any other technology. We are running large scale, innovative marketing campaigns at the regional level to raise adoption of the best available seeds on the market. We are also investing in supply side opportunities to increase the quantity of seeds available to farmers.
    • Government Services – we are partners with local, regional and national governments to improve the quality and impact of government services for rural families. These partnerships allow us to help deliver critical information and services to hundreds of thousands of families.
    • Product Design – we are designing, prototyping, trialing, and producing new products for rural families. Initial categories of products include agricultural tools and household utility products.
    We are seeking exceptional individuals to join this early-stage team to help us scale early stage ventures and dream up new opportunities. In general, team members focus on a single business at a time. We try to match team members with their passions as best as possible. Responsibilities for qualified candidates will include:
    • Direct Trials and Support Rapid Scale to a Regional or National level. New team members are expected to own key operational functions and run trials to test key questions to help us create businesses which can generate significant impact and grow at a rapid pace. Example projects include:
      • – an Associate on the Impact Venture team opened a series of stores in rural communities to sell key goods and services. The Associate hired and managed a growing team to run the operation, developed operational strategies to select store locations and organize store operations, and worked with global teams to develop inventory and cash tracking processes.
      • – a Manager hired a team of 75 people to run a series of marketing trials to promote use of improved seed. Improved seed is proven to significantly increase yields at very little added cost. The Manager designed our messaging strategy and marketing materials and established partnerships with dozens of local private businesses to increase sales of improved seed in communities with very low adoption levels.
      • – an Associate is running trials to test the efficacy of different mobile tools, from two-way SMS to IVR to mobile games. Our goal is to use these mobile tools to support our different business units to communicate with existing and prospective clients.
    • Dream Big and Operationlize New Ideas – identify innovations to enhance new business units and contribute to organizational strategy in identifying new opportunities to pursue. Team members are expected to prioritize new ideas and figure out how to translate the best ideas into live trials and operations.
    • Build and Manage a Team – hire, develop, and lead a team to effectively execute in the field. To grow fast, Associate and Managers need to be capable of hiring and leading large teams in short periods of time.
    • Coordinate with External Partners – manage relationships with key partners who are relevant to our work. Partners could include executives at seed companies, representatives from solar companies, key officials in government ministries, etc.
    Career Development One Acre Fund invests in building management and leadership skills. Your manager and a global support team will commit significant time in your career development. We provide constant, actionable feedback delivered through mentorship and through regular management consulting-style career reviews. We also have regular one-on-one meetings, where we listen to and discuss career goals, and work collaboratively to craft roles that each person can be passionate about. Because of our rapid growth, we constantly have new high-level roles opening up and opportunities in many functions.
    Qualifications We are seeking ambitious young professionals with 2 to 5 years of work experience, and a demonstrated long-term passion for international development. Candidates who fit the following criteria are strongly encouraged to apply:
    • 3 – 6+ years of work experience.
    • Demonstrated passion for, and preferably experience in, cultivating and developing new ideas and opportunities. We want people who are entrepreneurs at heart.
    • Leadership experience at work, or outside of work
    • Top-performing academic background.
    • Independence and ownership. Associate and Managers will be expected to operate and grow operations with moderate oversight. We want team members who thrive with a lot of independence.
    • Humility. We are looking for passionate professionals who combine strong leadership skills with good humor, patience, and a humble approach to service.
    • A willingness to commit to living in rural areas of East Africa. The ideal candidate will have at least one year demonstrated experience working in the developing world, although this is not a strict requirement.
    • Ability to cook / laugh – desirable.
    • Language: English required.
    Preferred Start Date Flexible
    Compensation We offer a modest starting salary that affords a high quality of life in our areas of operation. This is a career-track role with performance-based raises and the ability to expand responsibilities over time.
    Benifits Health insurance, immunizations, flights, housing.
    Sponsor International Candidates
    East Africans strongly encouraged to apply. 


    About the Organization

    One Acre Fund is a social enterprise focused on serving 450,000 smallholder farmers in 8 countries across East and Southern Africa and Asia. We work to provide our clients with the tools and financing needed to grow their way out of hunger and poverty. We invest in farmers to generate a permanent gain in farm income by offering farmers a service bundle to ensure success. We provide farmers with a "market bundle" that includes education, finance, seed and fertilizer, and market access. Our program is proven impactful – every year, we weigh thousands of harvests and
    measure more than 100% average gain in farm income per acre.Our team is over 5,000 members strong globally and we are entering our third consecutive year of 50%+ growth. Given this rapid growth rate, we are constantly looking for talent to fill new roles. One Acre Fund provides focused career growth at all levels, and we want to build the most effective poverty-fighting team in the world!

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