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Consultancy Opportunity: Baseline Survey for ACATI Programme

Application deadline
Business / Employer name
Job categories
  • Research, Monitoring & Evaluation
Job Role
Team / Middle Management
Position Type
Organization Type
Other Dar es Salaam District Dar Es Salaam
Actions and Finance Transparency Initiative (ACATI) is a 3 years EU funded project seeking to bring CSOs, citizens together to demand climate actions; enhancing collaborative actions with LGAs; and contribute to informed policy decisions that lead to accountability in climate adaption and
The project will be delivered by a consortium made of co-applicants CSOs-SEMA Singida; 2 LGA’s - Ilala Municipal Council and Singida District Council; and lead applicant FORUMCC.
FORUMCC commissions this baseline survey for ACATI in order to establish benchmarks for indicators in the results framework and their overall contribution to the desired changes in the FORUMCC’s Log frame. The main objective is to "collect baseline data, both qualitative and quantitative which will be
used to establish the current situation in relation to the indicators in the ACATI Log frame".
More details on the attachment.

Profile and Competency of the Consultant
The Consultants should possess a university degree in either of the following disciplines: Development Studies, Economics (preferably with bias towards monitoring and evaluation. He or she should have considerable practical experience in carrying out baseline surveys and
should also have practical experience in working with Civil Society Organizations and LGAs in Tanzania. Experience with Climate Change and FORUMCC’s Approaches is an added advantage.
Interested individuals, teams and firms should submit their application clearly marked Baseline Survey Consultancy: “Accountable Climate Actions and Finance Transparency Initiative

The application should include the following:
  • Cover letter
  • Three copies of samples of similar work by the applicant
  • Curriculum Vitae, and
  • Total budget inclusive of all costs except transport during the field
Submissions should be addressed to:
The Program Coordinator,
P.O. Box 105270, Dar es Salaam

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