Communications / Marketing / Graphic Design
Location of Assignment: Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Mafinga, Tanzania
Proposed Level of Effort: approximately 3 weeks
Anticipated Start Date: July 2019
Anticipated End Date: August 2019
Tanzania Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise Program
(ENGINE) is a USAID-funded Feed the Future activity that aims to
streamline and enhance many of the regulatory, informational and
financial channels that encourage domestic and foreign investment in the
southern mainland agricultural regions of Mbeya, Morogoro, and Iringa,
and in Zanzibar.
works at the district level, using a broad-based approach to engage
with district Local Government Authorities (LGAs), private sector
associations, business development service providers, financial
institutions and small and medium enterprises.
Objectives of the Assignment
This assignment aims to offer critical assistance to two partners
of the USAID-ENGINE Project who wish to combine their efforts to
increase the market opportunity for professional agribusiness services
and increase the production of high quality Pyrethrum flowers
(Chrysanthemum Daisies).
- Work with SUGECO to prepare a brochure for their agribusiness services to support farmers wishing to produce Daisies for Pyrethrum production.
- Support the ongoing education of SUGECOs communications director for the ongoing preparation of such documents for the future.
- Assist in the preparation of a PowerPoint Presentation targeted at Semi-Commercial farmers by SUGECO to entice farmers to utilize the services of SUGECO and to grow Daisies for Pyrethrum production on 5+ acres of land as semi-commercial farmers.
- Work with SUGECO to prepare a two-page flyer (front and back) promoting the services of their Farm Management Program and the utilization of Farm managers to run commercial farms.
- Review SUGECO’s website and provide recommendations on layout, content representation, and ease of functionality.
- Work with PCTs’ technical and agronomy teams to prepare a series of brochures to support farmers in their land preparation, planting, care and maintenance, harvesting, post-harvest handling, drying and packing of dried daisies for the production of Pyrethrum.
- Work with PCT to design and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the growing of Daisies for Pyrethrum production to be used in coordination with SUGECO to entice farmers to plant 5+ acres as semi-commercial farmers.
- A brochure for SUGECO Agribusiness Services to support the farmers wishing to grow Daisies
- A two-page flier to promote SUGECO’s Farm Manager Program.
- A PowerPoint Presentation to be utilized to entice farmers to utilize the services of SUGECO to increase or enter Daisy farming on 5+ acres.
- A series of Agronomy Brochures on the growing and handling of Daisies for Pyrethrum production.
- A PowerPoint Presentation for PCT on the Growing of Daisies for Pyrethrum production and the Financial Opportunities it Presents.
Volunteer Qualifications
- Extensive experience as a Communications / Design / Marketing professional preparing content, layout and editing of brochures, ideally for Agriculture and Agribusiness Purposes
- University level of education
- Candidates with a track record of successfully executed trainings and workshops will have priority;
- Experience with software programs for the creation of the needed documents such as: adobe illustrator, Photoshop, MS PowerPoint, etc.
- Formal or Commercial Business Experience in communications, design and marketing
- Excellent interpersonal, communication and training skills, including training in group settings;
- Ability to address issues, challenges, questions and concerns in a professional, respectful, logical and timely manner;
- Flexibility and adaptability to cross-cultural environments;
- Good writing and computer skills;
- Experience working in developing countries is preferred.