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Solar Salt Farming (Mining) Engineer and Hydrologist

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Position Description

Solar Salt Farming (Mining) Engineer and Hydrologist
Location Tanzania
Department Programs
Employment Type Consultant

Solar Salt Farming (Mining) Engineer and Hydrologist

Location of Assignment:  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Pemba Island, Zanzibar
Proposed Level of Effort:  approximately 4 weeks
Anticipated Start Date:  July 2019 
Anticipated End Date:    August 2019

The Tanzania Enabling Growth through Investment and Enterprise Program (ENGINE) is a USAID-funded Feed the Future activity that aims to streamline and enhance many of the regulatory, informational and financial channels that encourage domestic and foreign investment in the southern mainland agricultural regions of Mbeya, Morogoro, and Iringa, and in Zanzibar.
ENGINE works at the district level, using a broad-based approach to engage with district Local Government Authorities (LGAs), private sector associations, business development service providers, financial institutions and small and medium enterprises.

Opportunity Statement  

The USAID-ENGINE Project, in support of this private sector investment led by the Swahili Coast Salt Company, aims to encourage an increase in the productive capacity of salt cultivation on Pemba thereby improving the economic opportunities for the farmers. The objective is to:  reduce imports, improve the opportunity for production and sale of high-quality salt for human consumption from Pemba Island to various new markets.

Objectives of the Assignment
The Consultant will conduct an assessment of at least 10 farms on Pemba Island consisting of an analysis on the existing design and construction; materials used; geological analysis of the soils used and their suitability for dike construction; hydrological issues and flow rates; tidal analysis and issue affecting the supply of salt water to the farms; processing stages in the movement of water; salt processing techniques, harvesting techniques and yield results.
From the initial analysis, the consultant will provide an engineering and hydrology design accommodating the findings from the assessment to for the re-construction of the farms to increase the productivity and quality of salt to meet competitive yields from best practices in top producing countries.
The consultant will consider the additional stages needed to address wastewater usage in disposal of or in developing a stage devoted to the production of Blue-Green Algae (Spirullina).
All efforts must address potential environmental impact to assure no damage to the mangrove nor life in the mangrove.
  1. An assessment of the current solar salt production processes in Pemba with improvement recommendations
  2. Designs and construction plans (Engineering and Hydrology) for the re-construction of the existing salt farms to increase productivity and quality of the salt. (All designs and construction plans must be in compliance with local requirements, environmental regulations and must take into account access to materials, access to mechanization and affordability.)
  3. A wastewater usage plan for the production of Blue-Green Algae (spirulina).
  4. An environmental plan to assure no damages to the mangrove or life in the mangrove.
  5. At least two locally trained firms that can oversee the re-construction of the farms and replicate the efforts on additional farms

  1. Consultant Qualifications 
  • Extensive experience in Salt Farm Design, Engineering and Hydrology to maximize productivity.
  • University level of education. Post graduate preferred or equal work experience.
  • Appropriate computer skills commensurate with the assignment
  • Candidates with previous experience in solar salt works in developing countries will have priority;
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication and training skills, including training in group settings;
  • Ability to address issues, challenges, questions and concerns in a professional, respectful, logical and timely manner;
  • Flexibility and adaptability to cross-cultural environments;
  • Good writing and computer skills;
  • Experience working in developing countries is preferred.      

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