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Regional Senior Expert Climate Change

    Job Description

    This is a three-year position (September 2017-August 2020 with potential to extend) based at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kampala, Uganda. Briefings to be given at WRI and at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs prior to commencement of the secondment.

    The Regional Senior Expert will have dual reporting lines, to the Deputy Head of Mission/Head of Cooperation at the Netherlands Embassy in Kampala and to the Head of the Climate Team in The Hague.
    About the Inclusive Green Growth Department (IGG)
    The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs comprises of four directorates-general, one of which deals with development cooperation (DGIS). IGG is part of DGIS and is responsible for international public goods (global commons). It consists of four divisions (teams): Climate, Water, Food Security and Energy/Raw Materials. The Climate Team is composed of about 10 professionals and is responsible i.a. for formulating international climate policy, mainstreaming of climate in international policy, including development cooperation, climate finance (the Netherlands fair share of the $100bn pledged by the developed countries in Copenhagen) and a portfolio of about €100m of climate activities.

    Working at the Netherlands Embassy at Kampala
    The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is situated at the 4th floor of the Rwenzori Courts building in the center of Kampala. The Embassy-staff currently consists of 9 expatriate and 13 locally recruited staff members. The current development cooperation strategy in Uganda focuses on two thematic areas: Security and Rule of Law, and Food Security (Agriculture). Sexual Rights and Human Rights (SRHR) is a focus area.
    The Embassy has an informal working atmosphere and a One Team approach in its programs and operations. Its positive working atmosphere is reflected in the Embassy’s high score on the Ministry’s two-yearly staff satisfaction survey.
    Working closely with the Food Security cluster, the senior expert will be a member of the Embassy development team led by the Head of Development Cooperation, and participate in policy and program meetings, reviews, and events. The senior expert may represent the EKN in climate-related committees and meetings.
    Living in Kampala
    Although experiencing increasing traffic, Kampala is a pleasant and relatively safe city. Because of Kampala’s high altitude, it has a nice climate and malaria is uncommon. There is a great variety of fresh fruits and vegetables available. Clothes, shoes, appliances and electronics are available, but are often more expensive and of lesser quality than in Europe or the U.S. Primary medical services are available, but for a serious illness the services in-country are limited. Kampala has a number of good options for primary and secondary international education.

    In order to strengthen the resilience of its partner countries and meet its international commitments on climate financing the Netherlands has a pro-active policy on integrating climate change into its development and trade programs. Currently, ten of those partner countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa. It should be noted that in the coming years, priorities and partner countries might change. In particular, the MENA region and the Sahel countries may become more important.
    Strategies for addressing climate change and supporting sustainable development have many common elements. Therefore, the integration of climate change into the Netherlands development programs not only serves climate adaptation and mitigation goals, but supports and strengthens sustainable development. To integrate climate change into the country
    programs successfully, there is a need to deepen the understanding of staff of relevant embassies of the potential impact of climate change and of the ways to best identify and address current and future vulnerability to climate change. This will result in strengthened climate change-related activities in existing projects and more attention to resilience in new programs and projects.

    Since June 2013, a Regional Senior Expert has been posted to the Netherlands embassy in Kampala to support the integration of climate change in embassy development programs worldwide and to provide technical assistance and advice on projects and activities. Significant progress has been made in creating awareness and integrating climate change into development projects, however a need remains to continue and expand the effort. These include climate screening of projects, holding local and regional climate-smart workshops and producing climate change profiles. Climate-smart development efforts have focused on food security, water and gender, but need to be expanded to include governance, renewable energy, infrastructure, humanitarian aid,
    refugees, and private sector development. Looking to the future, when a number of African partner country programs will transition from aid to trade, the embassies will face new challenges. They will need to ensure that investments are climate-proofed and that investors are aware of climate risks and of potential mitigation and adaptation actions.
    The senior expert will provide advice to the staff of the Netherlands embassies in partner countries on the integration of climate change into development programs and will work closely with the Climate Team (IGG/KL) at Headquarters on climate-related policy and climate finance policies, including issues such as natural resource management and environmental safeguards when relevant to the climate focus. Priority will be given to existing and new partner and priority countries, including countries transitioning from aid to trade, but all embassies will have access to the senior expert’s advisory services, e.g. through the IGG Climate Helpdesk. Active priority will be established by the senior expert in consultation with the Climate Team, based on considerations of relevance and effectiveness of the assistance, as well as practical considerations of time, money and effort.

    The Ministry seeks a secondee from WRI to work as a Regional Senior Expert on integrating climate change in development plans and programs supported by the Dutch embassies, providing policy and technical support. The senior expert will be a member of the embassy staff as well as an overseas member of the Hague-based Climate Team. Tasks will include but not be limited to the following:
    1. Strategic, analytical and advisory functions
    • Pro-actively and on-demand advise embassies on making sure their programs and projects are climate-smart with the aim to reduce vulnerability, strengthen resilience and (as appropriate) lower emissions. Advise in the preparation of the new cycle of Multi-Annual Country Plans (2018-2022).
    • Continue and improve the current process and procedure for the integration of climate change in embassy development programs and projects (including updating of country climate change profiles for partner/priority countries; review of the annual Pitch and Bids; review of quality at entry and of project appraisal documents to ensure integration of climate change; verification of assigned Rio markers; coordinate the Climate Helpdesk).
    • Provide technical support on climate change to embassies and to IGG (including reviewing and contributing to climate-related policy, papers and proposals, e.g. of the Green Climate Fund, and the Sustainable Water Program; review monitoring/progress reports; advise on result indicators to effectively monitor climate–smart activities).
    • Assist in the development of climate-smart development projects, such as the GGGI project on Energy Access for the Urban Poor.
    2. Training and capacity development
    • Create a learning environment to identify and share key challenges, risks and opportunities with regard to climate change for the programs of the Netherlands.
    • Assist with the preparation and communication of e-courses on climate change and climate components of other relevant e-courses (e.g. food security, water, energy and Africa).
    • Effectively liaise with knowledge institutions (e.g. CDKN, WRI, Wageningen University) and development partners (e.g. European Commission, DFID, GIZ, UNDP, USAID) and ensure that lessons learned and new approaches inform IGG policies and embassy programs.
    3. Communication and engagement
    • Provide advice to formulation, review and monitoring missions of climate-relevant projects of the embassies and (occasionally) of partner organizations (multilateral institutions, NGOs, other bilateral donors).
    • Represent the Netherlands in development partner committees, meetings, and functions.
    • Contribute to IGG reporting on mainstreaming (policy, programs, funding) and climate finance reports.
    • Report regularly, but at least half-yearly to the Climate Team, the Kampala Embassy and WRI on the program and progress of work.
    • Contribute (as requested) in the annual consultations WRI/IGG.
    • Strengthen relations between DGIS and WRI by identifying and realizing synergies between WRI and DGIS programs in the region.
    • Coordinate the Climate Helpdesk, proactively providing climate information and updates, communicating IGG policies and guidelines, and responding to questions.
    • Share the results and experience at regional conferences, meetings and via media.
    4. Project management
    • The Great Lakes program (which includes two environment projects) will need attention (such as review of progress reports, Annual Conservation Status Report), but the Regional Senior Expert will not be tasked otherwise with the management of a project portfolio.
    Required Qualifications:
    • Advanced degree in development studies, environmental studies, economics, international relations, or related field.
    • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience in developing countries, including Africa.
    • Development program management, preferably in climate resilience, food security, water, or natural resource management, with in-depth understanding and experience in program development, results-based programming, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting.
    • Capacity development experience (preparation and implementation of guidelines, training) especially as related to the integration of climate change into programming.
    • Willingness to undertake significant travel in Africa and elsewhere.
    • Strong English writing and oral communication skills. French language skills are a significant plus.
    • Demonstrated capacity to work well under pressure and successfully manage multiple deadlines and competing demands.
    • Commitment to the development policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    About the Organization


    World Resources Institute (WRI) is an independent, nonprofit global research organization that turns big ideas into action at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being. We are working to address six critical challenges that the world must overcome this decade in order to secure a sustainable future for people and the planet: climate change, energy, food, forests, water and sustainable cities.
    We are passionate. We value our diversity of interests, skills and backgrounds. We have a flexible work environment. And we share a common goal to catalyze change that will improve the lives of people. Our shared ideals are at the core of our approach. They include: integrity, innovation, urgency, independence and respect.
    The foundation of our work is delivering high-quality research, data, maps and analysis to solve the world’s greatest environment and international development challenges,and improve people’s lives. We work with leaders in government, business and civil society to drive ambitious action and create change on the ground. Equally important, we bring together partners to develop breakthrough ideas and scale-up solutions for far-reaching, enduring impact.
    We have been growing rapidly: our staff has doubled in size over the past 5 years and our operating budget is now $100 million. Founded in 1982, WRI has a global staff of nearly 700 people with work spanning 50 countries. We have offices in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States.

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